Our Approach

Our approach to coaching and coach development combines scientific, evidence-based knowledge with extensive ‘real world’ practice experience accumulated across decades of coaching, consulting and teaching of coaching and coaching psychology.

Beginning with the principles of behavioural change, participants embark upon an intensive experiential learning process and supervised application of core coaching skills to develop their own systematic coaching practice.  Our approach blends examination of the science of human development and change, formal and informal supervised coaching practice and self-directed workplace coaching assignments.

ICCP’s coach training framework is unique, comprehensive and reflects the latest global research on effective practice. We distinguish between three types of coaching – a) skills coaching; b) performance coaching; and c) developmental coaching. The framework enables participants to identify and target specific coachee needs, tailor coaching interventions to match these differing needs, and appropriately assess impact and efficacy.

Our Courses

Professional Certificate in Coaching Psychology (PCCP)

This intensive, and focused course is designed specifically for people who wish to expand and deepen their knowledge and practice of Coaching. Participants typically have prior coaching experience as Human Resource professionals, professional coaches, counsellors, trainers with background in the Behavioural Sciences.

This is a 12 module course conducted over 4 days. The 4 days are split into 2 x 2 day blocks separated by a 2 week break in which participants are invited to apply the reflective practitioner model in real coaching sessions. The learning from this experience is then used as a platform for the final 2 day session.

Dates for 2024

Days 1 & 2 – Thursday 26th and Friday 27th September

Days 3 & 4  – Thursday 10th and Friday 11th October

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Advanced Professional Certificate in Coaching Psychology (APCCP)

This is an advanced-level training course, participants will need to have completed the 4 day Professional Certificate in Coaching Psychology and have a background in Human Resource management, management, coaching, psychology or the behavioural sciences. This advanced course will cover areas including case conceptualization, complexity and adult development; advanced goal setting strategies; advanced questioning skills and using emotion in coaching.

This is an intensive 6 module training workshop. To ensure individual attention and supervision, workshop size will be limited.

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Coaching Supervision

We have three offerings in supervision, both for individuals and groups:

  1. A structured supervision program over 6 months to embed and master the skills and knowledge presented in our coaching programs.
  2. Continuing practice supervision for those who wish to maintain and extend their skills and reflective capacities around their practice.
  3. Supervision of in-house coaches and coaching panels.

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Course Availability

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Our Research

Our Directors and Associates continue to contribute to the research and evidence-base that informs and guides the practice of Coaching globally.

Our thought leadership and research are critically reviewed and evaluated through a peer-reviewed, scientific process prior to publication in international journals and publications. Our findings and conclusions are validated and verified by a rigorous, independent and objective process and made available through these publications to the broader profession and community of practicing professionals.

Our philosophy is founded on the values of contribution, learning and growth and we seek to share our knowledge freely and widely for the benefit of all.